Let’s Paws the Pressure
Did you know over 20,000 Australians enjoy a visit from a therapy dog each week? From kids in hospital to residents in nursing homes, anxious uni students and stressed office workers – every day around our nation lives are being uplifted by hard working canines who enjoy every moment being a Therapy Dog. It’s time to ‘take paws’ and celebrate these good doggos!
Therapy Dog Awareness Month appears on the Department of Health Calendar of Events.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with news and events for Therapy Dog Awareness Month.
Meet a Delta Therapy Dog
We hosted a number of free Paws the Pressure events in Sydney, Adelaide, and Canberra for the inaugural Therapy Dog Awareness Month in September 2018. Follow the hashtag #pawsthepressurewithdelta to view photos of the events or view our Instagram stories.
Does your team deserve a Therapy Dog Visit?
As part of our Therapy Dog Awareness Month campaign in 2018 we gave workplaces across Australia a chance to win a paws the Pressure visit to their offices. We have two winners for this campaign: Lateral Events in Sydney and the Department of Jobs and Small Business in Canberra.
Visit us on Facebook and Instagram to find out more about the visits coming up in November.Â
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at info@deltasociety.com.au.