Our fantastic volunteers and their wonderful dogs celebrated in style at the Hillsborough Dog Training facility. To kick off the festivities – some fun games! Fastest sitter – that’s dog … not owner! A water relay race with dogs & owners carrying water. After much laughter & tactical moves, the winning team were those who spilt the least water.
After all the doggy fun and a beautiful lunch, awards were presented for 2, 4, 6 and 8 years of service as a Delta Dog. A long service award was presented to Leonie Crowder and Jasper who completed 10 years of service. Well done Leonie and Jasper! Another special award was presented to Val Day and her three therapy dogs, Quis, Morse & Twice. Val was the recipient of the Team Excellence Award for her long service to Delta Therapy Dogs.
Then it was time for our 15th anniversary celebration! To mark the occasion a beautiful cake was made by the niece of one of our volunteers. Pam Withers, branch coordinator spoke of the achievements of Hunter-Newcastle branch and the cake was cut by Pam and Val, both inaugural members of the Branch.
A great day was had by all. We would like to thank all our past and present therapy dog volunteers and your wonderful dogs for helping make the branch a success and for providing pet therapy to those who need it most.